The principals believe in the concept
of many properties (and clients) benefiting each individual
one. Prospective tenants may then be courted for more than
one location and/or be presented with the option of perhaps
opening a presence in multiple properties managed by the
Company. The Rosenthals refer to this as a "family" of
properties, whether owned directly by them or not. Each property
managed by the Company is handled as though it were their
own. As with the accounting and systems integration divisions
of Rosenthal & Rosenthal,
LLC, the Rosenthals invest much of their time in developing
personal relationships with their clients, and listening
to their clients' needs and concerns. This translates to
success for both the Company and its clientele.
Rosenthal Development's overarching
management strategy is to leverage a particular property's
strengths, while working to resolve weaknesses. This can
be achieved through aggressive leasing incentives in some
cases, by responsible cash management in others, and by
direct, hard-line, landlord-tenant negotiations in yet
others. Knowing which is the proper course of action for
a particular property and/or tenant is the cornerstone
of sound management practice.